Lot Lonoikaua Kamehameha Carey Lane, great grandfather of HRH Prince Darrick
Lot Lonoikaua Kamehameha Carey Lane, great grandfather of HRH Prince Darrick, was born July 31, 1864 in Waialua and was personally named after King Kamehameha V. "King Kamehameha V, close friends of the Lanes bestowed his name upon the Lane's 5th child, Lot Kamehameha. On young Lots first birthday the King held a traditional Iuau feast with around 2,000 attending the festivities. It is said that the King held the young Lot in his arms and had declared that he was to make him his heir. But the King died before formal adoption had been arranged."
A Lieutenant in the Royal Guard, he was the last insurgent to be captured by the 'self proclaimed' government forces after the uprising of 1895 in support of the Royal House of Hawai'i. He served with his brothers, John C Lane (later Mayor of Hawai'i and a founding member of the 'Order of Kamehameha') and James Lane.
Brother John Lane "was at her (Queen Lili'uokalani's) side when they usurped control and dethroned her in 1893, and was among those who took part in the counter revolution in 1895 with the hope of restoring her throne and native Hawaiian rule," wrote Kathleen Dickensen Mellen, (quote from an article in the 1954 'Honolulu Advertiser').
All three brothers were unwavering supporters of the monarchy, avowed royalists, placing their lives on the line for the Royal House and their heritage. Their mother was Chiefess Mary Kukeakalani Kaho'oilimoku, Chiefess of Ko'olau.
At times they had Robert Wilcox as their Commander. He was a Commander of the Royal forces yet he was also one who tried to force King Kalakaua to sign a new constitution and then later, upset at not being included in Queen Lili'uokalani's new cabinet formed a new political party in opposition to the Monarchy. He then went on to found a newspaper 'The Liberal' that openly criticized the Royal House. Portrayed by a few as a 'hero' of the monarchical cause, his allegiances seem to change on a regular basis to suit his own personal ambitions. (Numerous accounts in official Hawaiian records of state and the Kingdom of Hawaii)
However despite this changing loyalty from their commander, the Lane brothers and other Hawaiians remained committed to the monarchical cause without thought of personal gain, placing the Royal House first and foremost, just as their descendants do today.