Last Hours of the Hawaiian Monarch... King Kalakaua 19 December 2018 Quoted from the San Francisco Chronicle1: King Kalakaua and H.E. Col Robert Hoapili Baker King Kalakaua and Robert... Continue reading
Kahekili, Father of Kamehameha 17 May 2018 Kahekili II (Kahekilinuiʻahumanu c. 1737–1794). Kahekili was an ali'i (Moʻi) of Maui. His name was short for Kāne-Hekili... Continue reading
An Act to Perpetuate the Genealogy of the Chiefs of Hawai'i 07 March 2018 This article is about those who belong to the Estate of Nobles (Chiefs) who are eligible to be appointed as Nobles in... Continue reading