About the House of Kamakahelei
Some Frequently Asked Questions about the House of Kamakahelei
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the House of Kamakahelei?
H.R.H. Prince Darrick Lane Hoapili Liloa Kamakahelei Baker is the head of the House of Kamakahelei. The House of Kamakehelei is closely related to the former ruling Houses of Kamehameha and Kalakaua and also with the House of Kawananakoa.The Royal House of Hawaii is a reference to the current Royal families that descend from Royal ancestors of the Hawaiian islands.
What happened to the Royal Kings of Hawai'i?
King Kamehameha I was the first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawai'i until 1819. Kamehameha II, son of Kamehameha I and Keōpūolani was King from 1819 to 1824. Kamehameha III, another son of Kamehameha I and Keōpūolani reigned from 1824 to 1854. Kamehameha IV was the biological son of Kekūanāo'a and Kīna'u and adopted son of Kamehameha III and Kalama and reigned from 1855 to 1863. Kamehameha V was the biological son of Kekūanāo'a and Kīna'u and adopted son of Nāhi'ena'ena (later) Hoapili and Kaheiheimālie and reigned from 1863 to 1872. He left no issue. Lunalilo was son of Kana'ina and Kekāuluohi, and reigned from 1873 to 1874 and was the last King in the line of Kamehameha.Kalākua was the biological son of Kapaʻakea and Keohokālole and adopted son of Kinimaka and Haʻaheo. His reign was from 1874 to 1891. Lili'uokalani was the biological daughter of Kapaʻakea and Keohokālole and adopted daughter of Pākī and Kōnia. She reigned from 1891 to 1893 when the monarchy was overthrown by pro American sympathizers.
What is the 'sovereignty movement'?
The sovereignty movement is a group of native Hawaiian monarchists who believe that Hawai'i is still a Kingdom and refuse to accept the laws of the United States. Their main mission is the recognition of their right to self determination. There are numerous sovereignty groups in Hawai'i and some of them are well known such as Ka Lahui and Kingdom of Hawaii.These native Hawaiians go as far as to use their own license plates on their cars that say 'Kingdom of Hawaii'. So far their efforts towards self determination have failed, but at the same time the U.S. government has listened to some of the valid concerns that they have presented such as homelessness, mental health issues and drug use among native Hawaiians.
Are there other Claimants to the Hawaiian Royalty?
As the Royal Houses of Kamehameha and Kalakaua are now extinct, the Head of the Royal House of Hawai'i must be elected by the Ali'i (Hawaiian nobles) from the Ali'i Nui (High chiefs). The two most prominent Houses are the House of Kawananakoa and the House of Kamakahelei.The House of Kamakahelei descends from the High Chiefs (Kings) of Kaua'i, Hawai'i & Mau'i.
His Royal Highness Prince Darrick did not begin making a public royal claim until 2016. He and his ancestors were aware of the strength of their genealogy and their familial connection to the last sovereign, but they had not taken actions to publicize it. Genealogy is a very private affair in the traditions of Hawai’i, and it is considered distasteful for Ali’i to share their genealogy beyond other Ali’i.
But Prince Darrick saw more junior claimants, who have a more distant connection to the last sovereign, proclaim themselves Heads of the Royal family of Hawai’i through awkward arguments about why their claim was superior. Knowing these other claims to be questionable, Prince Darrick has put forth his own royal claim to preserve the integrity and dignity of the de jure Kingdom of Hawai’i since other family branches are not taking meaningful public action.
Are there Royal Orders of Chivalry?
Yes, currently there are five:Royal Order of Kamehameha I
The Order was established in 1865 by King Kamehameha V in memeory of his grandfather King Kamehameha I and in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The Order was granted to both Native Hawaiians and foreigners for distinguished service to the King and the people of Hawaii. Upon it's inception, it became the first Knightly Order of the Kingdom of Hawaii actually awarded, although the Royal Order of the Cross and Crown was established by King Kamehameha III in 1848 but not awarded until much later. Re-established in 2016 by HRH Prince Darrick of Hawaii as Grandmaster.
Royal Order of Kalākaua I
(Kalākaua I e Ho'okanaka) was instituted in 1875 by King Kalākaua I to commemorate his accession to the throne of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1874. This Order was granted to both native Hawaiians and foreigners for superlative service to the monarch and to the Kingdom. It was last conferred by Queen Liliʻuokalani in 1892 and in 1893 the order became obsolete. Re-established in 2016 by HRH Prince Darrick of Hawaii as Grandmaster.
The Royal Order of Kapiʻolani
(Kapiʻolani e Hookanaka) was instituted in 1880 by King Kalakaua to recognize services in the cause of humanity, for merit in Science and the Arts, or for special services rendered to the Kingdom of Hawaii. He named the order in honor of his wife, Queen Kapiʻolani, who was the namesake of Chiefess Kapiʻolani, an early proponent of Christianity in the Hawaiian islands. This Order was awarded 177 times by his successor, Queen Liliʻuokalani. The last award of the Order was in 1892. In 1893 the order became Obsolete. Re-established in 2016 by HRH Prince Darrick of Hawaii as Grandmaster.
Royal Order of the Crown of Hawaiʻi
(Hawaii Ke Kalaunu e Hookanaka) Founded by King Kamehameha III as Order of the Crown and Cross in July 1848. Revised and expanded by King Kalakaua on Sept 12, 1882 "for recompense of distinguished merit and services rendered to the state or the sovereign". It became obsolete in 1893 and re-established in 2016 by HRH Prince Darrick of Hawaii as Grandmaster.
Royal Order of the Star of Oceania
(Ka Hoku O Osiania) founded in 1886 by King David Kalakaua for the recompense of distinguished services rendered in advancing his plan for a confederation of Polynesain nations, islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and on the contiguous Continents. Re-established in 2016 by HRH Prince Darrick of Hawaii as Grandmaster.
Is there evidentiary support for H.R.H. Prince Darrick Baker?
Yes, the published Evidentiary Support for the Claim for H.R.H. Prince Darrick Baker is located here.